You can make use of separate FTP accounts to administer your web content if you have a number of Internet sites in the very same website hosting account. You can grant different individuals access only to certain directories, for example – web designers or IT persons from the company, and rest assured that they will not be able to access any other directories or anything else in the website hosting account, since the FTP accounts have restricted access. Plus, you can create and manage a number of different sites at the same time with a web design application such as FrontPage or Dreamweaver (as these apps make use of FTP to access the web server) and upload the website files both when you create them and when you update them. A key part of accomplishing these things is the ability to set up and manage your FTP accounts quickly and seamlessly.

FTP Manager in Cloud Website Hosting

The Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which is included with all our cloud website hosting, offers a functionality-rich FTP Manager that will grant you complete control over all FTP accounts in your web hosting account. Setting up or deleting an account takes literally only a single mouse click and all the accounts that you’ve got at any given moment will be shown in alphabetical order, so you can swiftly locate the one that you want. You’ll also be able to see what directory a specific account can connect to and by clicking on it, you can change it. In case you want to connect to your web space using an FTP software application such as FileZilla or Core FTP, you can download an auto-config file for any of the FTP accounts and install it on your PC – that account will be configured without you having to do anything manually on your end. Besides, you can see the full list of all the domains or sub-domains which you can use.

FTP Manager in Semi-dedicated Servers

If you open a semi-dedicated server account with us, you’ll be able to make use of a number of options that are accessible in the FTP Manager section of our next-gen Hepsia hosting Control Panel. You can set up a brand new FTP account and select what directory it will have access to with only a few clicks via an intuitive graphical interface. A list of all the FTP accounts that you have will be displayed in the exact same section too and, for your convenience, you can arrange them by username or access path in descending or ascending order, so you’ll be able to quickly find the FTP account that you want. Changing the path for an existing account is as easy as clicking on it and selecting the new path, whereas deleting an account or editing its password requires one click of the mouse as well. Using the FTP Manager, you can also make use of configuration files for famous desktop applications such as FileZilla and CyberDuck.